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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Congrats Norm And Punky Read this and you will be happy you had computer problems on your wedding day

DJSilver Wolf: EVERYONE STOP with the idiotic comments and be respectful to the bride and groom

carolann_1: dj take a chill pill

DJSilver Wolf: sorry I am a professional Full Time DJ I do alot of weddings and when I see people who cannot be respectful to the bride and groom they do not need to participate

carolann_1: pro dj means you have some cd's and a cd player lol

DJSilver Wolf: it means a HELL of alot more than that carol

angel15536: i can't believe some of the comments people are making in here

angel15536: how rude

donnaspl: oh for god sakes norm knows us all here

donnaspl: heknows we kid around a lot

weeAlice: Yes Donna but to the rest of his guests know that

donnaspl: well they do now

donnaspl: ahhahaa

donnaspl: norm wouldntwnt us to be any different

donnaspl: no one has said anything mean

carolann_1: I am going to see if I can find another wedding I am all dressed up and i will be dammed if i am not going to see a wedding

carolann_1: I have on this cute little black number

donnaspl: number 8?

carolann_1: I have a 8 figure

carolann_1: small hips big ass

donnaspl: well we cant al be prfect

carolann_1: large breast

carolann_1: kinda perky

carolann_1: I am into BDSM

donnaspl: why?

carolann_1: I like pain

Lady-n-Red88: me too

carolann_1: it gives me pleasure

DJSilver Wolf: so are mermaid and Myself

Lady-n-Red88: >Sub

donnaspl: i think imat thewrong wedding

greeneyes45_1_1: whats bdsm

DJSilver Wolf: <<>

greeneyes45_1_1: the would be the day id let a man put a leash on me

DJSilver Wolf: I also go by DJDomBrick

carolann_1: <--DOM

carolann_1: I will have you trained in short order greeneyes

mermaid_1463: >> Slave and proud of who she is

greeneyes45_1_1: your a woman i dont swing that way

greeneyes45_1_1: no but id be dammned if i would allow a man to treat me like a slave

carolann_1: you will do as you are told greeneyes

donnaspl: ok im out of here toomanyfreaks

mermaid_1463: thats your personal choice but i can tell you My Master treats me better then my x husband and more loving

carolann_1: I walk my slave around the park like a dog

mermaid_1463: you all need to look more into the lifestyle and not into the bs you see on tv or movies

carolann_1: right mermaid

carolann_1: mermaid you are very nice looking

mermaid_1463: thank you

carolann_1: yw

DJSilver Wolf: umm carolann I am mermaid's Master

carolann_1: not for long DJ

DJSilver Wolf: carolann if you are a Dom you will respect the fact that we are real time and do not tolerate BS

DJSilver Wolf: and other Doms being disrespectful by trying to steal another Dom's submissive

carolann_1: DJ dont talk to me like I dont know what I am talking about ok?

DJSilver Wolf: then stop with the comments

carolann_1: you stop trying to Dom me

DJSilver Wolf: I am not trying to carolann I am telling you be respectful and knock off with the comments

carolann_1: mermaid how long have you been in the lifestyle?

mermaid_1463: 25 yrs

mermaid_1463: girl trained in Gorean and BDSM

mermaid_1463: Real Time not no on line bs

carolann_1: wonderfful

carolann_1: I dont do online either

carolann_1: real or nothing

mermaid_1463: girl has known Master 7 yrs and things got in the way and now is Happy to be in His arms

michigan_babygirl: one happy girl now

mermaid_1463: yes Ma'am

Then you have people like this who can fuck up a wet dream read below

SodaPopGirl: what the hell is this?

SodaPopGirl: donna, a wedding?

SodaPopGirl: a paltalk wedding

SodaPopGirl: LMFAOOOOOOOOooooo

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