Crazycajun is hanging in Murtwitnessonlive acting like she give a shit about a little girls death.
Let's listen to good ole CC in her own words how she feels about kids
Created By CharlesNewYork
Crazycajun is hanging in Murtwitnessonlive acting like she give a shit about a little girls death.
Let's listen to good ole CC in her own words how she feels about kids
I was invited to a room of about 15 or so people in the "making friends" section called "Christians and Jews United vs Terror" - there wasn't much conversation, so I played a Brigette Gabriel tape. Suddenly... some incoherent announcement in the room about "Paltalk does not spread hate misinformation" appeared in red in the text area, and the room was suddenly closed. I could not get back on to Paltalk... and I was told several people from the room were banned . Not having been given a reason for my sudden ban, I emailed them. after about 5 requests, the reasons given were:
I admit, I did speak to someone earlier, who claimed they were sintandrew under another name (in pm), but how am I to know their current status on Paltalk whether banned or unbanned. People are banned and unbanned all the time. At the time i was invited to the room, the only reason I accepted was because I liked the room title. This is cause for banning ? being in a room of another user ? How are we to know who they are or what their current status with Paltalk is.... If Gary is involved in this.. I've said on occasion i had reservations about him. Perhaps he saw my private communication and this is his personal payback ? Also I am aware he had a personal vendetta with SintAndrew , and my association with him would have likely been a reason for him to bring the hammer down on me, since i was an admin of Sint Andrews room, but really had no idea of what his communications with Gary were before he left for and I didn't neccesarily share the same passionate hatred of Gary, just a general feeling of mistrust
This is simply an unfair estimation of the tape I was playing. I was playing an interview of Lebanese journalist Brigitte Gabriel, whom I have played on many occasions in the Social Issues section. She is a world renowned speaker who's family and friends have suffered greatly at the hands of terrorists in Lebanon. Islamists hate her with a passion, because she exposes the atrocities committed in regard to Christians. If this is "disruption".. disruption of what ? a shell of lies that needs cracking ? Listen for yourself. She is a well respected speaker on the situation in Lebanon and tells an important story to every country having to deal with immigration of terrorists.
Listen yourself here - you be the judge. It's from At the time they closed the room, she was telling people to contact their representatives in government to make them aware of the infiltration that is going on. To accuse her of "hate" for speaking about a destructive movement is beyond reason.
This hidden admin, whoever he/she is seemed they were simply irritated by her pro-Israel stance.
I have absolutely no idea what he/she is referring to here at all. Falsified what information ? Brought Paltalk service into disrepute ? how ? I saw people go into the rooms and say they want to see Jews back in ovens, dole out death threats to members etc... and they remain on there. What exactly have I done ?
I'm really dumbfounded at this. I've seen blatant troublemakers brought back to Paltalk. Here I've done nothing and I get this dead end response. This is just slander and I would like to at least know which admin was behind this and have some sort of dialog with them. They've obviously been concealing their identity because they can't justify this.
I think Paltalk needs to keep a closer eye on some of their staff who cater to various nicks spreading rumors about others that expose Islam. Al Qaeda types on there have slander mills they use to take good people down. I saw too much of this going on while I was on there.
P.S. I've since discovered this page has been banned from linking to from Paltalk. Looks like someone's smear tactics have worked.
What a vile ugly sick bitch this woaman is
someone posted
I would like to at least know which admin was behind this and have some sort of dialog with them. They've obviously been concealing their identity because they can't justify this.
the response.......
You have hit the nail on the head.
Welcome to paltalk procedures and policies were red hat vendettas are a part of every day life and carried out without accountability.
This is the way they roll in stealth and they protect each other.
who do you hold accountable when the abusive staff member is masked and unknown.
Jason should probably sell paltalk anyway before a better progran comes along and someone runs it with class.
Because then he will find out how loyal people are when his precious paltalk is empty
What do you people miss about the great evacuation of Paltalk Social issues ? NO ONE IS THERE ANY LONGER . Gary and Boaz succeeded they drove everyone out. I remember when there were huge rooms with scores of hands up NOW just the creepers and rats are left to gnaw on their cheesy lives.
You were smart to have Reservations Foxglove.
I'd bet my last dollar he's tried to hit on you like he has thousands of others.
If you don't bite, you are at risk for the big ban.
I did not hear her threaten to kill anyone, Charles. That was no threat. She just said she wished some bad luck on you and your band of fools.She hates you as many others do.
Anonymous said...
I did not hear her threaten to kill anyone, Charles. That was no threat. She just said she wished some bad luck on you and your band of fools.She hates you as many others do.
I'm not sure which audio you were listening to but she wished death on all the group who are banned, and she wished she could do it. Maube YOU'RE immune to these sorts of threats, after all, they are common place in many areas of Paltalk
So Crazy Cajun, you must also wish me and my family dead too, since I am banned together with those you mention. Please leave me a message on here Crazy Cajun because I will be intrigued to know.
Anna, did she mention your name? The answer is obvious,NOOOOOOOOOOOOO . Is your hearing going too?
Here is a pm that was sent that is a threat--- xxxxx: LadyLaughingAtYou: i would like to see someone put a bullet in you and rape your wife!
Guess who LadyLaughingAtYou is?
None other than your innocent Greeneyed bitch sent to a man on paltalk a few months ago. Someone shared it with me. Soo there you go. The theats are abundant on both sides of this silly situation.
Nothing Greeneyes says shocks me.
Why was foxglove banned? Amazing.
Just another group harassed by pal reds. I do remember this, they felt that believer was radical. Never could understand why they banned him. Guess you are not allowed to have strong views on paltalk?
Just amazing, but this CC tape is very upsetting.
I've been gone a long time, but remember greeny and wit wit spent hours and hours listening to her and trying to help her.
As the Pal turns must have a new chapter.
anonymous said I did not hear her threaten to kill anyone, Charles. That was no threat. She just said she wished some bad luck on you and your band of fools.She hates you as many others do.
Are you stupid and deaf? she said " I wish I could do that to em a slow painful death "
anyone have the tape of CC calling charles the N word over and over and over again and laughing ?
Surely the point is that Crazy Cajun will be allowed to carry on on Paltalk and Boaz/Gary/Perry will do nothing about it. Gary and Boaz know that CC is really suffering from mental illness and they will alow it to continue and they will exploit it. Now THAT is shameful
Anonymous said...
Anna, did she mention your name? The answer is obvious,NOOOOOOOOOOOOO . Is your hearing going too?
My hearing is perfectly good, as are my perceptions. Thank you.
Foxglove, welcome to the land of prejudice!!
Surely you, as a long term user know that Paltalk is seldom consistent with the justice it dispenses. It depends on the whims and personal agenda of the individual admins, loosly clothed in the catch all phrase of what Paltalk deems to be inappropriate. Maybe it was Gary, but more than likely it was one of their pro Muslim admins.
Some piece of shit said...
Anna, did she mention your name? The answer is obvious,NOOOOOOOOOOOOO . Is your hearing going too?
Only a paltalk robot piece os shit or the guilty party would defend this persons behaviour on the clip.
Just another ass suckung attention seeking loser sucking Boaz and Garys dick for attention
So, let me get this straight.
People get banned for their choice of religion?
Paltalk reds ban those with opposing religious convictions?
Seig Heil~~
Charles why defend greeneyes's visits to another blog?
March 30, 2008 5:25 AM
this isnt about who visits another blog try and keep up. And if I were you I would pick another blog to go too this one isnt for you
OMG Crazy cajun is one ugly fuckin woman
cc commited numerous TOS rules wishing death on CHILDREN, children now how low can you go to do this, the names and personnal information of several users.
lets see what happenes NOW
Hey CC ...
Yeah You.
I know you're reading this.
Here's a clue for you:
You can't get pregnant from your lezbo girlfriend shoving a dildo up your skanky, smelly pussy.
So STFU crying about not being able to get pregnant.
Hey CC ...
Yeah You.
I know you're reading this.
Here's a clue for you:
You can't get pregnant from your lezbo girlfriend shoving a dildo up your skanky, smelly pussy.
So STFU crying about not being able to get
Its 10:41 and there is no one on paltalk .Do you thik with its rogue admins watching private rooms, and listeng to private conversations has anything to do with this?
Charles, if your ass was not banned you would be right there on paltalk ,instead of spending all day and night here. YOU NEED HELP , CHARLES.
March 30, 2008 7:31 AM
lmaoooooooooo charles is on paltalk you stupid fucking moron
Anonymous said...
Charles, if your ass was not banned you would be right there on paltalk ,instead of spending all day and night here. YOU NEED HELP , CHARLES.
March 30, 2008 7:31 AM
No shit dumbass wow lol
This blog is magnificent i just looked and v00's room has 80 % black names same with arwens and ronnies room has 3 people
other is a few room with a radio playing and that's it.
it's working
is crazycajun a man or a woman?
looks like a man to me. but your all saying she.
I f thats a woman she is one of the ugliest womwen ive ever seen
All the Social Issues "regulars" are missing from Paltalk this morning.
Gee Gary and Boaz, this small, insignificant blog (as Gary put it) is having an effect isn't it?
Hey Gary, there are more than 10x the readers on this blog in less than one week, than on your crappy little "Newstalk" blog in what, 6 months?
You two are getting your pathetic little asses kicked by a blog, and you're both too stupid to see it.
Gawd, this is fun.
Anonymous said...
There are 59,3393 members in 4,571 rooms on paltalk right now. There are 3 people in all of talkaurora hahahahahaah. Yea, you are really accomplishing a lot here hahahahahahahahahahahah lol lol hahahahahahahah lol lol.
Well obviously you signed on to find that out.
In fact this morning on Talkaurora there have been at least 20 of us in a room chatting.
Another thing that is obvious is that you weren't on Paltalk when IT first started. Any chat program takes time to establish itself, and the talkaurora program is still beta.
Then again, don't even bother logging on again anon since it is a program with a strong ethical bias, obviously won't suit you
Right now in Second Life there are 60,000 ON LINE and 20 Million members. So what is your point asshole!
4,000 rooms my ass. click on every section and look. anyone can do the math on this
Anonymous said...
There are 59,3393 members in 4,571 rooms on
What number system does Pal-fucked-talk use? What is 59,3393
A group of us had a great conversation with AdminL over at Talk Aurora this morning.
Seems PRIVACY , Courtesy, and Kindess are of the top important things on the list when developing their program.
We were informed that Administration can't even get into the chat rooms to MINGLE with the users.
WTG Lars!!
There will be nobody lurking over you hiding , listening to your conversations folks.
wtf is wrong with this crazycajuns face
Somebody , no actually NOBUDDY told me that Lars was fired for stealing money.
That is a stone cold lie.
They wouldn't dare make that comment in public, they try to undermine anybody that might be a competitive risk .
Its the old ruin anybody that has enough sense to leave their dirty practices.
and by the way Perry Lars wasnt fired for what you told everyone thats a bold ass lie just like you to try and ruin peoples reputation to bolster Paltalk. Why didn't Jeff get fired or is it because you like the payoff you get from him from the sale of sex. lolololol you really make me laugh you internet flunky why dont you do something more constructive with your time other than hacking people and spying. Oh I got it your just like Gary you can't get it in real life so you like to watch. Sicko
Crazy your a double bag job your lesbian girlfriend needs to put two bags over your face in case one falls off.
59,3393 members in 4,571 thats all the people with bad connections that dc and reconnect 50 times a day. Who's playing with the numbers Perry? There are Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
paltalk doesnt have that many users online now we just checked and you dont have 4 million unique users you have 200,000 people registered and maybe 5000 users adicted who show up everyday. Bye Bye Paltalk your going down in a burning fire. Perry is going straight to hell holding gary and boass's hand
4,000 rooms my ass. click on every section and look. anyone can do the math on this
March 30, 2008 10:36 AM
Alot of rooms have 1 or 2 users
Stay on second life and enjoy the fantasy land there. Actually that suits you people better anyway!! Bye Bye, we do not miss you on paltalk . hahahahah
Paltalk also owns this company and have won many awards I'm going now to talk to those people who gave the awards to see if they know about paltalks spying and how their conferences aren't secure we'll see what they think after they see all the evidence
By the way Perry Fuck you evil little son of a bitch. Any one who ever saw your face knows your bad. Short little man with beady eyes. Always nervous and paranoid. Every dog has his day yours is very soon. Poor Jason let his shit heads ruin his company
"Anonymous said...
Stay on second life and enjoy the fantasy land there. Actually that suits you people better anyway!! Bye Bye, we do not miss you on paltalk . hahahahah"
Gary is protesting, he won't come to second life until they give him a black dildo. He wants everything in his second life that he has in his first life.
"Anonymous said...
Stay on second life and enjoy the fantasy land there. Actually that suits you people better anyway!! Bye Bye, we do not miss you on paltalk . hahahahah
How would you know second life is fantasy land if your not already there IDIOT
Hey guys flabby is runnin around paltalk like a mad woman searchin for you guys lol
Holy moly she is a fuckin ugly bitch
Guess what gang. The amount of people that are on at a given time is about 49,000. Now mind you this is suppose to around the world chat. Gee if you add all those on that program Paltalk is about the size of my hometown Superior,WI. To think they brag about this all the time how big Paltalk is. That sure is a small amount of people that it is suppose to be around the world. I guess Superior tells all about how many at any givin time is on Paltalk.Really actually a small group compared to the population of the world.
Small at the moment but growing. This morning there was 20 people in the room. It takes time to build up a pallist. It's new. AdminL Lars came in and chatted with us. Telling us about the program. No intruding from talkaurora in rooms and or in pms. Finally a place for the privacy everyone deserves, and the respect of the users.
anonymous who says glad to get rid of you. Your the type of person that doesn't belong on a good program. You stay where you are. Sleaze Ball. Ass kisser. This is a pleasant program that doesn't need your type on the program. Trouble makers. Wallow in your own hatred. Again to the good people of paltalk if your tired of the crap like this anonymous. Go to TalkAurora. sure right now there isn't alot on there.Like I said it will grow. Foxglove when we are there your more than welcome to join us. My nic is the same on there. If we are not on at the time just leave a message. Some do have a life outside of a chat program. Thats for anonymous knowitall.
I saw a pig ass fuckin Boaz and forcing him to eat shellfish
damn with all the money crazycajun has why dont she get a head transplant
(@away) flalady_1 is Away (can not wait till tomorrow about u?)
Why Bingo wings are you finally going to get a life?
lmao @ bingo wings
all the money cc has ? she spent all the money her mom left her on drugs she dont have a pot to piss in now thats why she is with deb
cc has been saying the past 3 years she was moving and getting a house in fla lol now she is stuck with deb and debs 70 year old mother that beat the shit out of cc and broke her ribs while cc was tangled up in her blanket
so cc deal with it u know that debs daugther hates you and it seems so does your mother in law
so what do u have now?
notta damn thing so you sit your poor chicken bone ass up there in ohio... and you sit and want to talk shit about beating the hell out of someone BITCH PLEASE as u remember you had look up to me you can stand on your boney tippy toes and you still could not reach me i would not even have to slap you hard to knock your boney ass on the ground and you would break your skinny stick legs so next time you run yuor mouth about me
at least try to get part of it right as much as i hate you i would never wish death on you as you did me charles greeny and our kids i think death is to good for you you need to stay in this world and suffer just being you is bad enough the pitful life you live on drugs and being a drunk
thank you for your time
sally omally here
dont forget her pizza face
well said Sally
Sally, how is Ronald? hahahaha Woman we have u where we want u, sick sick sick/
You dont have sally any where dumb ass , she's been divorced for over a year you stupid bitch
hello soda let cc fight her own fights you dummb ass but then again you feel the need to protect her yur new lover did he enjoy watching you 2 when u took her camping i bet he got off on that
now go shut your bug eye bitch self up and mind your own bussiness
thank you for your time
sally omally
next time soda post your name u chicken shit bottom feeder
in other words carpet muncher
sil2004 is Away (Livingn & Sharing Music! Blue FM !!!lol)
Stupid bitch can't spell lmao
Guess what gang. The amount of people that are on at a given time is about 49,000.
Lol 33% of that number are from saudi arabia where all their money comes from.
THE LonesomeDove: my dogs are very nosy, very intelligent and very mischievous and they're OLD..............why am I not surprised at this stupid statement only Dove would use intelligent to describe her dogs lol
Paltalk your red hats stole my fucking money for thier agenda.
I hope theres a nasty take over and all you fucks get fired and lose every fucking dime you have
Anonymous said...
"Anonymous said...
Stay on second life and enjoy the fantasy land there. Actually that suits you people better anyway!! Bye Bye, we do not miss you on paltalk . hahahahah
How would you know second life is fantasy land if your not already there IDIOT
March 30, 2008 11:42 AM
One can easily see the fantasy life of SL at they have quite a few videos to see.
No need to download SL.
THE LonesomeDove: my dogs are very nosy, very intelligent and very mischievous and they're OLD..............
But not as OLD as she is i bet lol
and they don't lie about their age.
I wonder why crazycajuns only sibling hates her so much.
There is no contact with him what so ever.
What did she do?
And why was crazy retired at what 24 lol from a police force lmao. Answering a phone does NOT make you a cop crazycajun u lying skank.
or maybe it was because you scared everyone cuz your so ugly, crated face.
Who would want a cop like you, who wants to see children dead
The wannAbe MURDERER of Children
cc the wanna be baby killer
CC is seriously mentally ill; always has been, for as long as I have heard her on Paltalk.
Boaz is a psycho; this is also something I have known for a long long time.
It's nice to see that the time may have come when he gets the payback he deserves. He has tormented and hurt many people on this program.
And crazycajun will get her pay back too..
someone suggested a new nic for flalady
with all the wrinkles around her lips she looks like a dried up old pussy lol
this is a promise NOT A THREAT
and believe me i have the contacts
7 2 4
There is a petition starting to have something done with this flalady and thereis another one starting to have crazycajun removed
from paltalk for her talk of wanting to kill and maim children.
Will give the deatils here when its setup.
i am sittin in a room and hackin the crap out of flaladys computr lol
her daughter sure isa cute one
and som kind of dog
a mutt
u sure save a lot of junk flalady
time for a reformat
wtf r u savin all this crap for
cc showed everyone her dick yesterday
Paltalk Notifier: Sick of Dems attempted to open your room: lmao flabby got booted again with lockword: no she left she has a husband
Paltalk Notifier: Sick of Dems attempted to open your room: lmao flabby got booted again with lockword: unlike u
Paltalk Notifier: Sick of Dems attempted to open your room: lmao flabby got booted again with lockword: have fun here all night
Paltalk Notifier: Sick of Dems attempted to open your room: lmao flabby got booted again with lockword: fl is with her husband
Paltalk Notifier: R U ADDICTED attempted to open your room: lmao flabby got booted again with lockword: u r the fool
Paltalk Notifier: R U ADDICTED attempted to open your room: lmao flabby got booted again with lockword: she is mkaing love
Paltalk Notifier: R U ADDICTED attempted to open your room: lmao flabby got booted again with lockword: what are u doing?
This video is so unbelieveable its disgusting
cc wont be around much longer the drugs will kill her just like they killed her drugged up sister.
Cc and her sister must have had a horrible upbringing for both of them to become druggies
R Simborski Imperial, PA 15126 724-695-8595
crazycajun phone numbers
330 7743984 330774 3960
Christina Lyons
330 774 3984 330 774 3960
Diane Simborski aka sodapopgirl
412 445 2862
R Simborski
I just discovered that my wife, Diane, has been having an online affair with another woman by the name of Christine. I've known for a long time that she's mentally unstable and has a drinking problem, but this is beyond the realm of anything I anticipated. Are there any internet laws for the protection spouses?
Imperial, PA
Online Chatting & Affairs Detrimental to Marriage
R Simborski
I just discovered that my wife, Diane, has been having an online affair with another woman by the name of Christine. I've known for a long time that she's mentally unstable and has a drinking problem, but this is beyond the realm of anything I anticipated. Are there any internet laws for the protection spouses?
How many think Sodapopgirl and CrazyCajun will finally GIT IT ON
when they go to visit a paltalk user this summer??
How horrible to hear that video...unreal to think chatters would talk that way ...just sick ...some minds just are not healthy sad
CrazyCajun is a lying piece of puke.
A sick abnormal animal.
snakes and rats deserve to breath she doesnt.
charles ur sick, u make up stories
Cajun is often misunderstood.However the clip is clearly edited by the author of this blog to make her look bad.
Cajun's words emanate a wonderful sense of poetry,drama and her delivery is superb.
This is whats keeps me coming back to Paltalk a forum by which artists can express themselves fully.
Kudos to Cajun.
Anonymous said...
Cajun is often misunderstood.However the clip is clearly edited by the author of this blog to make her look bad.
Cajun's words emanate a wonderful sense of poetry,drama and her delivery is superb.
This is whats keeps me coming back to Paltalk a forum by which artists can express themselves fully.
Kudos to Cajun.
April 19, 2009 5:38 AM
HAHAH goodness!! Some things never change?
Anonymous said...
Cajun is often misunderstood.However the clip is clearly edited by the author of this blog to make her look bad.
Cajun's words emanate a wonderful sense of poetry,drama and her delivery is superb.
This is whats keeps me coming back to Paltalk a forum by which artists can express themselves fully.
Kudos to Cajun.
You must be on the same wave length as she is, a sick fucking, stupid ass lickin dyke.
ugliest woman i have ever seen
it is a woman isnt it.
Why did PalTalk allow this,has anyone from there heard this.
This crazy bitch should be banned for life.
I hope you don't mind but ive sent it to someone, maybe they will do something.
I'm a little lost here. Some of these posts are from March 30th 2008 through June 2008. Then it skips to April 2009. Was this an earlier post that got posted again?
Confused said...
I'm a little lost here. Some of these posts are from March 30th 2008 through June 2008. Then it skips to April 2009. Was this an earlier post that got posted again?
April 21, 2009 4:15 PM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Thank you fellow bloggers
Thanks Everyone especially greeneyes for making it number 30 thousand awesome for everyone to read this awesome blog.
Tanker has the only hit counter that goes backwards he said about a month ago he hit 50K lol dumbass
Some advise Tank if you tell the truth you wont have to remember the lies
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